Stormwater Pollution Source Control

Contact Information
Piero D’Amore
Stormwater Source Control Inspector
Renton, WA 98057

The Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit (NPDES permit) requires the City of Renton to implement a Stormwater Pollution Source Control (Source Control) program. The Source Control program is designed to serve as a partnership between businesses, property owners and the City of Renton to control pollutants at their source before they enter the City’s storm system through the application of  Source Control Best Management Practices (BMPs). Source Control BMPs target pollutants like fertilizers, paint, oil, grease, and wash water that originate from daily site activities, spill incidents, improper disposal, and other indirect sources. By working together, this program will reduce the discharge of pollutants into surface water runoff and protect our local waterbodies.

The Source Control Program consists of three main components: Education, Inspections, and Enforcement. Technical assistance and education provided to businesses and property owners through this program will help them understand the important role they play in preserving our local waterbodies such as the Cedar River, Springbrook Creek and Lake Washington. Inspections will be performed at qualifying sites, with the goal of identifying potential pollutant sources and recommending activity specific BMPs. Failure to implement BMPs may lead to enforcement actions.

The following Source Control BMPs are the minimum measures required at every site:

  • Inspect, clean, and maintain your storm system regularly

  • Eliminate illicit connections to your storm system

  • Create a pollution prevention team

  • Develop a spill response plan

  • Train employees on the importance of pollution control measures and spill response

  • Keep dumpster areas clear of debris, lids closed, and replace containers that leak or have holes

Additional Source Control BMPs for specific businesses or activities are found in the 2021 King County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Manual linked below. Renton adopted this manual to guide its Source Control Program in June 2022. The manual references King County Water Quality code and lists King County personnel as contacts. Please refer to RMC 4-6-030 for the city's drainage and water quality standards. If you have any questions, please contact the city's source control inspector and not King County personnel.

City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual

2022 Drainage System Maintenance Contractor List

The city has compiled a list of drainage system maintenance contractors. The city supplies this list as a courtesy and is in no way endorsing the work or workmanship of these contractors.  Property owners are encouraged to check references.

Drainage Contractor List 10 31 22

2021 King County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Manual

2021 King County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Manual Pollution Prevention Manual

If you have any questions regarding the city's Source Control program, please contact the city's source control inspector and not King County personnel listed in this manual.

NPDES Permit Information

Additional Resources

Washington State Dept. of Ecology

King County Business Services

Help to reduce waste and promote recycling in the workplace. Includes helpful hints and information about specific programs.

  • Business Waste Line: 206-477-4466

  • Website

Pollution Prevention Assistance

Pollution Prevention Assistance (PPA) specialists offer free, hands-on assistance to help businesses find and resolve potential pollution issues. By working with your local PPA specialist, you can stay on top of regulatory changes, protect employee health, and stop polluted runoff at its source.

Puget Sound Starts Here

Puget Sound Starts Here raises awareness of how our everyday actions impact waterways in the Puget Sound region and what we can do to prevent pollution. We rely on clean water for our wellbeing and so do salmon, orcas, and other wildlife that live in our shared habitat.


Schedule Inspection and Consultation

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